Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ban G Bus Anal Vido Why Does Yahoo Ban Postings Supportin G US Troops But Does Not Erase Slander And Tresaonious Statements Made?

Why does Yahoo ban postings supportin g US troops but does not erase slander and Tresaonious statements made? - ban g bus anal vido

About President Bush?


wayne said...

Many liberals, with their victim mentality to explain their feelings were hurt, while allowing freedom of expression, most conservatives, no matter how stupid

conventi... said...

I do not know, you have given me no examples.

Mr. Morden said...

This is not treason to criticize Bush. Where do you think live in Cuba? Our presidents name is George, not Fidel.

incinera... said...

This work BS Liberals do not support our troops support our troops actions. And Yahoo deleted my old profile for the publication of an anti-Bush message, so that does not even try to play off of Yahoo! is a liberal interest group. In any case, Yahoo is pro-Bush, pro-war, and the fans.

As a note, support Democrats or Republicans, I believe in direct democracy, which we do not believe me.

dstr said...

Like most of the time that the Republicans can not resist insulting someone in the conference entitled "Supporting the lies"

"Support our troops" has a sound bite for the air conditioning regurgitate the propaganda of the warmongers, without thinking. Channel your emotions - fear, pride, sadness, anger, sorrow for the loved ones, anger is - what the interests of the holders of power. His goal is to put on the defensive, reacted the same way as the question "When did you stop beating your wife?" To the person who has never hit his wife, and that is not answer a question.

"To make the support of the soldiers" not to the war machine, or people who resist stopping it. It is also a non-binding resolution against the increasing escalation of the war in Iraq. Democrats say they were led astray in Iraq, voted Bush authority when he lead the war to give. They argue that the evidence was either broken or manipulated. I do not think they were misled. They were spineless. I think moC. Democrats knew exactly what the Iraq war went. It's all about oil and world domination. The devastating destruction of the Twin Towers in New York was a convenient excuse for the planners of the war, because it justifies the application of one of the many scenarios the Pentagon war and responses.

Democracy is a great success in 2001. No attacks of 11 September, the tragedies that democracy would survive, but later, in which the public was carefully trained his pain cynically manipulated by the internal enemies. Indefinite detention, USA PATRIOT Act, self-censorship scandal. Everybody dance to the same tune of "God Bless America". A strange choice of the anthem of a democratic, secular, more strange, because the Americans are not an agreed definition of these words: "God," "health" or "America". United misunderstood? Not just diversity, democracy. But it requires curiosity, essayist (or boring like me) to ask questions. And even more questions. Good questions are necessarily good for democracy. The claim that issues such as the pseudo-debatesND shouting happen that critical analysis on television, he continued, when asked questions shouted epithets dissidents, but these are the forms, the more productive discussions. The questions many people are afraid after 9-11. And if Bush sent bombs and mines (cluster bombs) and food packaging (which is much more than duds, oops) through Afghanistan, it has many Americans that their role has been recalled applaud. In other words, "support the troops."

dstr said...

Like most of the time that the Republicans can not resist insulting someone in the conference entitled "Supporting the lies"

"Support our troops" has a sound bite for the air conditioning regurgitate the propaganda of the warmongers, without thinking. Channel your emotions - fear, pride, sadness, anger, sorrow for the loved ones, anger is - what the interests of the holders of power. His goal is to put on the defensive, reacted the same way as the question "When did you stop beating your wife?" To the person who has never hit his wife, and that is not answer a question.

"To make the support of the soldiers" not to the war machine, or people who resist stopping it. It is also a non-binding resolution against the increasing escalation of the war in Iraq. Democrats say they were led astray in Iraq, voted Bush authority when he lead the war to give. They argue that the evidence was either broken or manipulated. I do not think they were misled. They were spineless. I think moC. Democrats knew exactly what the Iraq war went. It's all about oil and world domination. The devastating destruction of the Twin Towers in New York was a convenient excuse for the planners of the war, because it justifies the application of one of the many scenarios the Pentagon war and responses.

Democracy is a great success in 2001. No attacks of 11 September, the tragedies that democracy would survive, but later, in which the public was carefully trained his pain cynically manipulated by the internal enemies. Indefinite detention, USA PATRIOT Act, self-censorship scandal. Everybody dance to the same tune of "God Bless America". A strange choice of the anthem of a democratic, secular, more strange, because the Americans are not an agreed definition of these words: "God," "health" or "America". United misunderstood? Not just diversity, democracy. But it requires curiosity, essayist (or boring like me) to ask questions. And even more questions. Good questions are necessarily good for democracy. The claim that issues such as the pseudo-debatesND shouting happen that critical analysis on television, he continued, when asked questions shouted epithets dissidents, but these are the forms, the more productive discussions. The questions many people are afraid after 9-11. And if Bush sent bombs and mines (cluster bombs) and food packaging (which is much more than duds, oops) through Afghanistan, it has many Americans that their role has been recalled applaud. In other words, "support the troops."

cornbrea... said...

Darned liberals.

Peace Love and Harmony said...

There is no logic in what is forbidden.

I had many forbidden things, he had no problem, and again in force at that time.

citizenj... said...

Especially the way the word is everything that did not publish the access to Yahoo. Been realized and have not sent many of my attacks on Bush that I do not think they are all biased.

citizenj... said...

Especially the way the word is everything that did not publish the access to Yahoo. Been realized and have not sent many of my attacks on Bush that I do not think they are all biased.

Sen Kennedy's DD said...

If you support the United States, censorship is almost here. If you have an Avtar of gay men who have sex if you support the destruction of America, and if you hate America-yahoo says it's okay for them.

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