Saturday, December 12, 2009

Aching Legs Hodgkins Lymphoma I Have A 3 Year Old Son Who Keeps Complaining Of Aching Legs?

I have a 3 year old son who keeps complaining of aching legs? - aching legs hodgkins lymphoma

I have complained to 3 years old son, the pain in the legs, in particular a knee. Especially after walking a lot and sometimes it seems that the weakness in the legs. Any idea what this could mean


nutz_4_y... said...

my 3 yr.old has the same problem and the only way Spert he goes through growth. I ask dr. and that everything I said that in addition to give your muscles warm baths and message in the bathtub.

mtnhotte said...

my neighbors that her daughter had growing pains, not only can achieve their highest

♥Pamela♥ said...

This means it's time for a quick check of the doctors.

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